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There’s a lotta baggage 💼 around being someone’s partner, especially a wife, especially in science. These issues leak over into scicomm for many folks, whether you’re a ‘science wife’ or navigating some other kind of partnership.
This week, we tackle:
What we wish we’d known about being a science wife before started our relationships
Things about being married to scientists that we wish were common knowledge
The hardest thing for us in our roles as science wives
Ways that our science partnerships have positively shaped our careers
Navigating shared/overlapping professional identities and spaces
Dig in for yourself:
Do you spend a lot of time calibrating for the people around you?
Do you give yourself much just-you time?
Take some time to yourself today, even just 5 minutes, to just be you.
[We know…this kind of assignment might feel like it’s for hoity toity people. But “taking 5 minutes for myself” could be just laying on the floor with the door shut against the kids, being not available for just a little while.
And making that time, just a little every day, can help us feel way more in control. More like we choose who we are and the role we play in the world.]
Thanks for listening! We’ve got the hammocks out. 🌴 Come on over.