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What we think scicomm needs

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We want to talk more with fellow science communication professionals (like you!), and we have lots of opinions!

We think scicomm needs:

  1. More funding

  2. A reliable way to hold people with power accountable

  3. Leadership and development opportunities beyond basic skill-building

  4. More integration between practice and research

  5. Buy-in and formalized support from those with funding and power

Which is why we made Meteor! 🌠

We want to talk with STEM professionals who are exploring science communication as a component of their career and with people who are pursuing a full-time scicomm position within an institution or as an entrepreneur. No matter what your plan with science communication is, we want to help you do it inclusively and sustainably. 🥇

Thanks for listening, and we hope you’ll join the convo! We’ve got digital fizzy water and snacks. 🥳

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